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Benefits of Garden Quartz (Lodolite)

Garden Quartz is Clear Quartz with other minerals inside (lodolite inclusions), which can include Hematite, Feldspar, Chlorite and many other minerals that are green, maroon, cream, orange, brown, and other colors. Looking into any Garden Quartz Crystal will get you the peaceful sense when you gaze upon a beautiful landscape scene.

Benefit #1 - Spiritual

Garden quartz crystal is generally made from cryptocrystalline quartz, or the combination of amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, rock crystal and smoky quartz. The name “lodolite” comes from “LODOLITE QUARTZ” named by early miners in Cornwall who mined it for its tin content. This stone has been widely used for healing and spiritual development purposes since ancient times. Many different names are given to this variety because they have some distinctions among shades and shine. Phantom Quartz, Lodolite, Scenic Quartz, Landscape Quartz, and Garden Quartz are all names for the same crystal.

Imbalances and issues of the crown chakra are often healed with the etheric energies of clear or white stones like clear quartz and lodolite. The energies of this gemstone can have the collective life force of dreams, magic, destiny and inspiration. It also helps establish a personal connection to the divine, aligning your mind with divine wisdom in order to get a clear understanding of heavenly things and pure consciousness.

Benefit #2 - Body

Garden Quartz nourishes the immune system as well as the entire nervous system, creating balance in the body. It works well on endocrine glands (including the pineal gland). It is effective for healing eye problems. Assists recovery from physical addictions due to its powerful cleansing properties (supports detox treatments). Due to its high level of life force energy, it is quite effective in cleansing your physical body and its internal organs.

It also works in oxygenating the blood and boost the proper functioning of the heart and your circulatory system. It can assist in the treatment of diseases that affect the liver, pancreas and spleen. Also with its unique seascape and landscape, the gemstone can be quite soothing to the eyes and can assist in the treatment of all eye-related diseases.

Its soothing colors and vibrations are said to help protect the skin. At the same time it assists in boosting the functioning of your mucus membranes and respiratory tract. Not only that, it assists in easing the symptoms of colds and flu while also healing pneumonia, sinusitis, emphysema, ulcers and strep infections. It is also known to help in the treatment of pains related to nerve malfunctioning and in protecting you against highly infectious diseases.

Benefit #3 - Mind

Garden Quartz has an amazing healing vibration –the great qualities of this stone and the extra vibrations of the inclusions. Additionally, the clear quartz amplify the vibration of the inclusions in this gem. It also aids in the emotional healing through the release of past-life trauma or the early childhood memories, which might have caused the stress of fear.

Benefit #4 - Aura

The gemstone brings brilliant energies to the aura. With the power of this mystical gemstone, it’ll effectively cleanse the aura, the inner soul, and the environment as well. This particular stone may realign the upset frequencies in the chakras you have. Garden Quartz is a dream stone as well, which may arouse lucid dreaming.

Benefit #5 - Wealth

Garden Quartz is considered a lucky stone that can help you in manifesting your desires, especially in terms of abundance and wealth. This stone can help in stabilizing your financial goals and desires so you can focus on the one that most resonates with you. It can also bring you to focus and keep you aware of your money transactions. It also allows you to see the hidden pitfalls and agendas in terms of your financial well-being.

In addition, the lodolite crystal is said to be associated with the southeast or east corner of your home. When placed in this area, the crystal is said to attract only good and uplifting money energies. It also helps in inviting more prosperity and abundance.

Benefit #5 - Relationships

Garden Quartz can help you in letting go of the fears and doubts regarding your love and relationship. It helps you in expressing your true feelings and accepting others without conditions. It will bolster your self-esteem and help you look at the bright side of any relationship. It teaches that you are the lessons in love and gives you the wisdom on how to be a better persona and lover to your partner.

Lodolite can help you in times of misunderstandings and challenges. It can ensure that your communication lines with your partner are open and that all issues will be talked about as needed. Not only that, but this gemstone can also make you work together to make your deepest desires and biggest wishes in your relationship come true. Plus, it can keep you and your partner faithful during those times of waiting.

Benefit #6 - Career

Garden Quartz can help to inspire you to take more risks and be brave. It can encourage you to try out new things that you’ve never done before that can help in your career status. It also helps in focusing on your intention and increasing your determination to reach your goals. Lodolite can also help in boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem. This way, you can take on any job interviews, presentations or promotional reviews with positivity and impressing your supervisors or boss.

All in all, the lodolite crystal is a must-have ally if you wish to enhance your spirituality and bringing tranquility to your emotional body.

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